
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Stone Wall

So, since it's football season, I thought that I would do something with football in it. So, here I go.

The offensive line is the wall around the heart. The QB is the heart and the defense is sin. Let's say the defense is doing really good this game and they've been sacking the QB a lot. Basically, if the offensive line is weak, the wall around the heart is weak and there is a lot of holes in it so sin gets to the heart. If the defense causes a safety, the heart and the whole spiritual body is impure. That's what can happen when Satan keeps tempting us. If we let him do that, he will screw us up and we will stray farther away from the path that's straight.

Now let's say that the offensive line is doing great today and they aren't letting the defense guys get to the QB. The quarteback doesn't get sacked to the ground and he (the heart) will be clean.  When the offense scores a touchdown the heart and the whole spiritual body is clean and pure. When the heart is clean and pure that's when Satan has no hold on your heart or life because you are on the right path and you only do what God calls you to do.

Stay strong in the Lord and keep a strong stone wall around your heart.

One more thing................. GO PACKERS!!!!!!

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