
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Godhead Three in One

There are a lot of people who don't believe in the trinity, and frankly it's hard to explain. The best way to explain it is like how Jack Sparrow explains his actions. He says "Pirate" when someone says that he can't do something. That's the same thing as with God. He is God! He can do things that are impossible! Another way to explain it is with  John 1:1 and 14, "In the beginning there was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word was God.The Word became flesh and dwelt among us." If you think about it the Word is Jesus. A clue that the Word is him is when it says the Word became flesh. Since the Word is Jesus and the Word is God, that would mean that Jesus is God. In Luke 24:49, Jesus say's that he will send us what God has promised. In the Greek translation they use the word identical. So that means that Jesus will send them an identical being to help them. That being is called the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the Holy Spirit is identical to Jesus, and Jesus is God, so that would mean the Holy Spirit is God.