
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Got Plans?

What's your plans for life? Are they to make a family be rich and drive a nice car? Is it to be in the military and get medals? Or is it to become a movie star or pro athlete? Well let me tell you guys something, God has plans for you that is far greater than what any plans that we may have. Let's look at Jeremiah 29:11.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future."
Sounds great doesn't it? That is one of my all time favorite verses in the bible. You see, like the verse says God knows the plans that He has for you. The plans that will prosper you and not harm you. Plans that will give you hope and a future. Thats is definatly awesome!
See, God knows what you will be when you grow up.  If it's to be a movie star or a pro athlete, it will be to serve God. If it's to make a family, it's to serve God. Or if it's to join the military, it's to serve God. Finally if it's to be an evangilist, preacher, missionary or anything else like that, it's to serve God. Everything that God wants you to do or all the plans that He has for you, It's to serve, and bring glory to God. Through bringing glory and honor to God you will gain prosperity and you will gain hope with other people as well. Nothing God wants you to do will harm you, although it might test you physically, mentally and spiritualy. All that is to make you better and stronger in faith and mentally stronger.
Another verse I'd like to show you is this:
Put not your trust in princes,
  in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation.
 When his breath departs, he returns to the earth;
  on that very day his plans perish.
(Psalm 146:3-4 ESV)

See what this means is that if you put your trust in a ruler or the government you trust them in vain. It's because one day the government will be gone. There is no need to put all your trust into a man because it is not everlasting. One day he will die and all his plans will be gone.
That does not mean you should not trust anyone. You should trust your friends and other people but not all the way. What you should do is put all your trust in God because his plans will not go away. He has salvation. He has great plans for us.

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