What does Living for the Lord mean to you? Well, to me it means loving each other, worshiping him, doing what God wants you to do, and becoming less so that God can become more.
Becoming less so that God can become more. That seems weird right? I mean the American dream is to become rich, be famous, have a nice car, be on TV, and have a cute husband or wife, right? So, why do we need to be less? What does that even mean? Do you have to get rid of all of your money, sell your car and go away from all the fame that you worked so hard to achieve? No, not necessarily. That is a little extreme but it's not bad. What you could do is use that fame and promote God and not demote him. Don't try to draw a bunch of attention to yourself but draw attention to God. Use your money for God.
But if you don't have fame or money no big deal. You can still become less so God becomes more. What you can do is go out of your way and help a homeless person or sit or talk to someone that is not "popular" or is a "looser." People might make fun of you or look at you funny, but don't get sad or embarrassed because it's the right thing to do. Everyone can do something to promote God.
If you are an athlete like myself,do your best and show God's love to everyone. The light inside you will shine through the darkness and touch people's lives.
If you live for the Lord, people will see that you are different and some will mock you and ridicule you. (John 18:1& 20,) while others will want what you have.These people will need someone to tell them about Jesus Christ. You need to tell all who will hear the good news. There is a quote by Penn Jillette. This is what he said "How much do you have to hate someone not to tell them about your faith?"
Here is the link to the Penn Jillette video that he says it in.